On December 31, 2024, you will not be able to use your account number as your username when you log in to online banking or our mobile app.
Watch this video to find out how easy it is to create a new username and password!
Control My Card by KTVAECU®
Use Control My Card to control any KTVAECU® debit or credit card! Look for the Control My Card in Online Banking, under the Additional Services tab.
Reveal Card- The new Reveal Card feature securely shows your card number, expiration date, and security code for up to 99 seconds.
Cards On File- Know which companies and businesses have your card information saved.
uChoose Rewards- Check your uChoose Rewards® Points balance in the app with fewer steps.
PIN Change- Change or update your PIN no matter where you are.
Apple/Google Pay- Add your KTVAECU® Debit or Credit Card to your Apple Pay® or Google Pay™ wallet with just a few taps.
Set Travel Plans- Make sure your cards still work while you travel by setting travel plans with just a few easy steps.
Bill Pay may look a little different, but it still has the same great features you love. With Bill Pay, you can automatically pay bills using online banking. You can set up bills to be paid monthly or make single payments to another person or business. With Bill Pay, you decide when and how paying bills works best for you.
Here are a few new features to check out:
New to Bill Pay? Here's how to get started.