The beginning of your college career is one of the most exciting and important times in your life. There are many important choices to make, and who you choose to service your student loans1 is one of them.
Every student's journey is different. Whatever your educational goals are, we can provide resources to help you find the funding you need. Our student loans partnership with Sallie Mae®1 could help!
Save before your child starts college or trade school with our Educational Savings Account!
The job opportunities, important skill sets, and increased wages offered by a college or trade school education can be attainable, even if you don’t have the money right now to cover the expenses. As tuition, books, and dorm fees increase each year, our Educational Savings Account lets you prepare for future expenses.
This account is a dividend-earning savings account for use on future education costs. The account must be open for a minimum of three years and is paid out on your child’s first day of college or 18th birthday, whichever comes first. Any withdrawal from the Educational Savings Account before these dates will close the account and result in a penalty (some exceptions may apply).
Open an Educational Savings Account over the phone or at any of our branches.